“When I let go of what iam,I become what I might be. ” Laozi

As a Libra born on October 16th, your personality is dominated by your social and analytical nature. In social settings your mind seems to come alive, as you provide thoughtful and clever thoughts to the group. Your friends and family are often impressed with the way you can engage them so effortlessly, but it may be your loyalty that they appreciate the most.

In the Lite of Tarot: this period requires you to be at your best in all situations.. Workwise, don’t rush with things. Love life, be patient, stop running into conclusions. Finances,you are likely to have invested wisely ,This is not a good time for gamble. Healthwise, check you exercise routine and diet.

TaroLite Numbers: 16/10/2019 which adds up to which means the analytical Neptune and the ever so emotional Moon 11 /2 are at play be ready for a period full of changes with emotional ups and downs .avoid being bossy and overly sensitive.

Your strengths:  Your overpowering orientation is towards the spiritual and philosophical aspects of life, you have a very analytical mind ,you have an excellent intuition power. You love to investigate the subjects and gain deep knowledge about the same.

Your Challenges:  You are very sensitive and feel deeply. If you indulge too much in Fancy ,you may drift away from reality. you can become aloof ,critical ,impractical and dreamy.

TaroLite Guidance: Be in love with yourself…. But be compassionate to others as well.

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